I was elected to Rotary in November 1990 as a member of the Rotary Club of Dublin North. I subsequently joined the Rotary Club of Dublin Central in 2001 as one of the founding members. Being a Rotarian is an amazing experience, allowing me to get to know people from many walks of life and many parts of the world, but particularly, to get to know myself a  little better.
I served at club, district, RIBI (Britain & Ireland) and RI (Rotary International) levels of the organisation, before cutting back my involvement with the birth of my sons, Jack in 2007 and Ross in 2009. Â I have seen the amazing impact of Rotary’s involvement in community, vocational, international and youth services.
For me, the key feature of Rotary is that it combines friendship with service. In this way, the service you can give is so much more effective because you are working with friends; and the “craic” you have with your friends is all the more enjoyable because of the service you have provided together.
Regional Co-ordinator (Europe)
RI Public Image Task Force
Rotary International
2006 – 2007
As Europe Coordinator of Rotary International’s Public Image Task Force, I was one of a six coordinators covering more than 200 countries in which Rotary clubs operate: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and South Pacific.
This resource group works to enhance Rotary’s public image by assisting districts and clubs to tell Rotary’s success stories to all media, local government officials, communities, civic leaders and similar entities. The group considers and promotes the Rotary International Strategic Plan priorities of advancing the internal and external recognition and public image of Rotary International.
District Governor
District 1160 – Ireland
2005 – 2006
As District Governor of Rotary District 1160 (Ireland) in 2005/06, I oversaw Rotary activities of the 73 Rotary clubs on the island of Ireland.
A District Governor provides leadership, motivation, and guidance to Rotary clubs under the general supervision of Rotary International’s Board of Directors. Governors act as officers of RI, fostering achievement in their district at the club level.
As one of the twenty-eight District Governors in Britain and Ireland, I was also a member of the RIBI General Council in 2005/06.
Rotary CV:
- Rotary International Foundation Benefactor
- District Conference Master of Ceremonies, 2013
- President, Rotary Club of Dublin Central, 2011-12
- Sustaining Member of the Rotary International Foundation, 2011 –
- Rotary International Institute Facilitator, Hamburg, 2006
- Europe Co-ordinator, RI Public Image Resource Group, 2006/07
- RIBI Leadership Training Committee, 2006/07
- RIBI Marketing Advisory Group, 2006/07
- RIBI Marketing Strategy Committee, 2005/06
- RIBI Conference Committee, 2005/06
- District Governor, 2005/06
- Paul Harris Fellow, 2004
- District Assistant Governor, 2002-04
- District Youth Leadership Team Leader, 2002/03
- RIBI Leadership Training Facilitator, 2001/02, 01/02 & 2004
- Member, RIBI Communications Committee, 2000-02
- District Trainer, 2001/02
- District Information Technology Officer, 1998-2002
- President, Rotary Club of Dublin North, 1998/99
- District Web Editor, 1996-2000
- Member, District Conference Committee, 1992/93
- District Roster Secretary, 1992-2001